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Immortal, Part 1

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Alex Crowther has a secret. He may look like an ordinary 30-year-old man, but he's been alive for 262 years.  Alone in his immortality, unable to age or die, Alex struggles to find his purpose in an ever changing world.


Through the industrial revolution into the technological, Alex's adventures take him from his apothecary in Regency London, to surgeon and lecturer in 18th century New York and Boston, to the trenches of the Western Front. He's worked hard to build his international pharmaceutical company, all the while searching for an answer to his condition and a way to either share it or end it.


Now, forced to leave another life he enjoyed before people start to ask questions, Alex finds an opportunity to reunite with his family, but can he reveal his condition to Charlie, an old man, who he knew as a boy? Will Charlie accept him? And can he reveal his true nature to Kara, Charlie's granddaughter?


Little does he know that the biggest challenges are yet to come...

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